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The final price is calculated by giving 0% discount, adding 10% service charge and adding 13% VAT in the room's original price.

Premium Room Room

Maecenas erat lorem, vulputate sed ex at, vehicula dignissim risus. Nullam non nisi congue elit cursus tempus. Nunc vel ante nec libero semper maximus. Donec cursus sed massa eget commodo. Phasellus semper neque id iaculis malesuada. Nulla efficitur dui vitae orci blandit tempor. Mauris sed venenatis nibh, sed sodales risus. Nam sit amet tortor in elit fermentum consectetur et sit amet eros. Sed varius velit at eros tempor sodales. Fusce at enim at lectus sollicitudin pharetra at in risus. Donec ut semper turpis. Maecenas lobortis ante ut eros scelerisque, at semper augue ullamcorper.


All of the following facilities comes with the room.

  • Bathtub
  • First Aid Kit
  • Mini Bar
  • Parking


Following the main features of the room

  • Occupancy: Max 5 Persons
  • Size : 500 sq. feet
  • Room Service : Not Available

Photo Gallery

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Overall Ratings

3 based on 1 reviews


View all reviews from our customer regarding this room.

  • Susan Price 3
    1 month ago

    My children enjoyed the view and ample play spaces in the hotel.

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